Thursday, November 02, 2006

Month 27

It’s been more than 6 weeks since I last posted here. The good news is that that is due, in large part, to the fact that I have had little to report, and that is a good thing. It’s been so long since I had been into the clinic for an appointment, that I forgot to go get my blood labs done in time for the 10/23 appointment (my health insurer, in it’s wisdom, requires me to make a separate trip to an approved lab to get my blood work done, instead of allowing them to draw the labs right before my appointment at the clinic), so I had to put the appointment off another week to 10/30.

I had my first colonoscopy last week which was certainly not fun, but also not unbearable. The doctor removed 2 small polyps which he was going to biopsy, but I haven’t heard anything yet. I’m sure no news is good news. He said that about 20 – 25 percent of people who go in for routine colonoscopies have polyps, so it’s not really uncommon.

It’s actually kind of good that my clinic appointment was delayed a week, because in the meantime (on Thursday, 10/26), I suddenly got quite sick from a cold. I felt bad after work on Thursday, but when I took my temperature, it was below 98 degrees. A couple of hours later, it was 101.4 degrees and I felt really bad. The good news is that while I was home sick the next day, as the day progressed, I felt better and better, and by the end of the day, my fever was pretty much gone. A week later, my temperature had mostly been below normal, with a couple of instances where it got up around 100 degrees. So the fever didn’t hang on like last time, but the cold has really knocked me for a loop. I’ve been coughing quite a bit and worse, my cramping has returned with a vengeance, and has been debilitating at times. It usually takes me at least 2 or 3 hours to get to sleep after I lie down due to the cramping, and during the day, it can and does attack me frequently – back, abdomen, hands, arms, feet, legs, and neck (especially when I cough). The doctors don't know what causes the cramping, but when I went in for my clinic appointment on Monday, I got prescriptions for quinine (which I have not filled) and Atavan (which I have filled). The Atavan is an anti-anxiety med that the doctor said is effective as a muscle relaxant. The dose is small, but I feel like it has definitely help with me getting to sleep a little quicker.

My blood counts were:

..... previous current normal
..... -------- ------- ---------
WBC.. 7.8 .... 5.2 ..... 4 – 11
Hgb.. 14.7 ... 13.6 ... 14 – 18
Plt.. 337 .... 284 ... 150 – 400

All the counts are down from last time, but since they are all still in the normal range, it is no cause for concern.

I’m still thankful every day that I am off my meds. I don’t like being sick and feeling as bad as I do now, but knowing that it is temporary and that I will get back to feeling normal again keeps me hopeful and grateful.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Justin,

I'm sorry to hear that your cold got bad and especially that the cramping worsened. Good luck with that!


6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Justin,

I hope the cramping wasn't from your lunch on Saturday! :o) What is the quinine supposed to be for, and why didn't you fill it? Glad to learn the Atavan is helping you sleep, but sorry to hear you're back on a medication.


8:40 AM  

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