Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Day -2

I was not only not neutropenic today, I was surprised to see my hemoglobin and platelet counts actually go up a little. To be honest, there was a part of me that was a little worried that after 6 days of chemotherapy, my bone marrow that is supposed to be getting killed off was looking too strong. However, the doctor had no such concern and said that he was very pleased with the way things are going and is confident that the transplant will engraft and take over making blood parts. Apparently, the drugs I am taking (like steroids) can do things that encourage the production of blood parts.

WBC 1.6
Hgb 10.0
Plt 40
ANC 1.5

I’m actually done my chemotherapy now, and I have trouble believing I feel as well as I do. Tomorrow is a “day of rest” between the chemotherapy and the transplant on Friday. Tonight, they started me on immunosuppressant drugs which are pumped in around the clock for a while, so now I have to take the pump with me everywhere. I believe this will continue at least through the rest of my stay in the hospital.

Love always...


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