Friday, August 20, 2004

Day 0 - Transplant Day

Well, I’m transplanted! It seemed to go well. It took a bit over a half hour and was not as anti-climactic as they led me to believe. I mean something was definitely happening. Jody was here for the whole thing and that was nice. I’m kind of low on energy, so I won’t be going into much detail now, but know that it happened and I’m doing well. It’s waiting now. My blood counts will drop, I will get transfused when needed, and then about Day +9, we’ll see the counts going up from the new marrow. I may feel kind of sick during the week leading up to the new marrow starting to kick in. I’m considered neutropenic again and will be until my counts come up naturally. I’m not allowed out of my room until then.

WBC .6
Hgb 9.1
Plt 20
ANC .6

Thank you all for your support – I’m sure it helped with the actual transplant, and if you can keep it up, it will help with recovery as well. I need you guys.

Love ...


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