Saturday, September 11, 2004

Day 22 - catching up

First of all, let me apologize again for being so negligent in keeping this blog updated. I know some of you may worry when I don’t write for a while. The bottom line is I have good days and not so good days, but overall, I’m doing fine.

I did come home on Tuesday (Day 18) after they put a PICC in my arm. It was a bit difficult for the surgeon (and consequently for me) because I have an unusual vein structure in my arm so where most people have a single vein, mine splits into two, and the surgeon started down the wrong split. When she discovered the problem, it went in fine.

Wednesday (Day 19), I was extremely fatigued even though I don’t think I had much of a fever.

Thursday (Day 20), I went in for my second weekly clinic visit. They were very pleased with my blood counts.
WBC 4.3
Hgb 10.5
Plt 176

Friday (Day 21), I went back to the clinic for a bone marrow biopsy/aspiration. It was probably the least painful of the 7 bone marrow biopsies I’ve had. The PA who did it did an excellent job. They’re sending samples of my circulating blood as well as the bone marrow samples off for cytogenetic testing. The PA predicted that the percentage of stem cells from the new bone marrow in the circulating blood would be 100%, and the percentage in the marrow at 95%. We won’t know all the results for at least 2 weeks however. Later in the day, I ran a pretty high fever which made me feel a bit lousy but mostly stole my appetite and sapped my energy levels again.

Today (Day 22), I’ve had a pretty good day so far.

Again, I won’t be making entries every day, but will try hard to do it every 2 or 3 days instead of 5. Thank you for caring and for supporting me through all of this.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, we were pleased to see your blog, for we were just talking and wondering about you. Really pleased that you say that you are doing fine overall. All the best to you. Love from Jim and Helena

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is from Justin's sister Lisa, and I just have to tell a story from last week. I took Justin to his clinic visit on Thursday, and my father was scheduled to take him for the bone marrow biopsy on Friday morning at 9. As the appointment with the physician's assistant Thursday was coming to a close, she confirmed Justin's appointment for the biopsy the next day and then asked if he could come in a little later, and he said that would be fine. "Good," she said, "because I want to do the biopsy, but my license has expired and I need to renew it." I was surprised and spent a few seconds trying to take this in. Was she unlicensed right now? Was a PA's license something you could renew that way? What, she wouldn't have a license at 9 but she would have one at 10? As I was trying to comprehend this, my attention shifted back to the conversation between the PA and Justin, and Justin was saying with audible relief, "Oh, your driver's license!" Yes, it turned out the PA needed to stop at the DMV on her way to work tomorrow to renew her driver's license and wouldn't be able to get in till 10. Justin had made the same assumption I had. Once we all realized the error, we had a good laugh. I dare say the PA will be careful to specify what license she's talking about next time. It just occurred to me now that it must have been her birthday, and we neglected to wish her a happy one!

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It sounds like you are getting better day by day and I am very happy for you, your family and friends. I did want to say that we have been going to church and yes even Doug has been asking the big guy in the sky for the healing power to help you recover.

Your friend at the end of the hall.....Doug

12:28 PM  

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