Friday, October 01, 2004

Day 42

Today is day 42 (6 weeks!). I went for my weekly clinic visit yesterday and learned a few interesting things. First of all, I asked what it was that was keeping me from being able to drive and when might I expect to be able to drive. The response was that I could drive now because my platelet count is up. Well, that’s been true for several weeks and they didn’t volunteer that I could drive. I guess sometimes you just have to ask.

The doctor said that while he sees some signs that I might be developing some GvHD, he expects more. He said that they have 4 levels of GvHD and that levels 3 and 4 are pretty severe and they don’t want to see that, but that some level 1 or 2 would actually be good, partly because patients who get some GvHD seem to be less likely to relapse. I asked him if there is still a chance of relapse for me since there was no evidence of host marrow or blasts therefrom and he said there is because there could be some cells hiding and undetected by the bone marrow sample taken. My sister, who took me to the clinic asked if the GvHD evidence he has seen in me was level 1, and he said he would not even consider it level 1. So I guess I really do have some rougher spots to look forward to although no one knows when or what form or how severe it will be. But it’s OK, I know I have the support I need to get through.

They said my liver was having some problems because I’m not hydrated enough. I’ve been trying hard to drink a lot, but they said that because of the immune suppressant drug I’m taking, sometimes the body just can’t absorb enough fluid, so they gave me a liter of IV fluids.

Yesterday, I also developed a cough that continues today. There’s no fever and no sore throat or anything, so when I called and told them about it, they said to try to ride it out and let them know if I got sicker. Why do these things always seem to crop up on Friday when they won’t be around for the weekend? If I get worse on the weekend, I may have to go back into the hospital instead of the clinic. I sure hope that doesn’t happen.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin, Tom and I send our love to you and your wonderful family. We were happy to hear about your website so we can catch up on how you are doing without "bugging" you. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Jenn

5:12 PM  

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